Online Store

Online Store

The Online Store for the Sustainable Student Farm focuses on selling Native Plants. As of 2024 the Online Store Will only be available for 3 weeks, we will offer veggies during this time as well, but the store is no longer be available all summer. Please check out our CSA or the weekly farm stand on the quad!!

The Online Store opens at 4 pm on Fridays and closes at 7am on Wednesdays. This Year the Store is open for order May 31-June 5 for June 6 pick up, June 7-June 12 for June 13 pickup and June 14-19 for June 20th pickup

To make an order:

Pickup Location

Pick up order on Thursdays between 12pm and 4pm

  • The new pick-up location will be at the Fruit Research Building at 2711 S. Race St. just south of Windsor Ave.
  • Look for SSF signs (it is a gravel drive with lots of logs next to it)
  • Blue dot on the map below
  • Park in the small lot in front of beige building

  • When picking up, give your name to an SSF employee and we will put your prepackaged order in your trunk or backseat to keep everyone safe and healthy

    Enjoy your fresh produce!